Within my Reach

This is an online group and will the delivered via MS Teams.

Within my Reach 8-week programme is for specifically designed for parents living together or apart, who are facing conflicts and struggling to find common ground in raising their neurodiverse child.  This is a valuable opportunity to enhance relationships, strengthen parenting skills and create a more harmonious home environment.

Dates and times of sessions 

Two courses will be delivered MS Teams over 8 sessions on the following dates. Please indicate which session you would like to attend.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays - 27th and 29th February, 5th and 7th March, 12th and 14th March and 19th and 21st March 2024, 7.00 pm to 9.00 p
  • Wednesdays and Saturdays – 28th February and 2nd March, 6th and 9th March, 13th and 16th March and 20th and 23rd March 2024, Wednesday will be 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm and Saturdays will be 10.00 am – 12.00 pm

Who can attend

  • Parents who are experiencing conflicts and challenges due to the neurodiversity of their child
  • Parents who want to improve communication and build stronger partnership in parenting and coparenting their neurodiverse child.
  • Parents seeking guidance, support, and practical strategies to navigate the unique challenges of raising a neurodiverse child.

Get in touch

To book a place please use our online referral form, or for further information please call 0204 522 8700 / 0204 522 8699 or email services@familylives.org.uk.

Bullying and school

Truancy and problems at school

Types of bullying

Spotting and dealing with bullying


Health and wellbeing

Choosing, starting and moving school

Mental health

Bullying and mental health

Understanding bullying