Outdoor play

Outdoor play is any activity that children do outdoors, such as playing in the park, going for a walk in the woods, or riding their bikes. It can help develop gross motor skills, help children learn to interact with others, help reduce stress, build self-esteem and help them learn about the natural world.

Further resources

If you would like further support and advice, call our helpline on 0808 800 2222 or email us at askus@familylives.org.uk. You can talk to us online via our live chat service or message us via WhatsApp on 07441 444125 to connect with experienced professional family support workers and highly-trained volunteers. You may find it helps to find out how other parents and carers have coped with this on our online forums. We also have a range of free self-guided online parenting courses that can help through the ages and stages of parenting. 

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