Within my Reach

This is an online group and will the delivered via MS Teams.

Within my Reach 8-week programme is for specifically designed for parents living together or apart, who are facing conflicts and struggling to find common ground in raising their neurodiverse child.  This is a valuable opportunity to enhance relationships, strengthen parenting skills and create a more harmonious home environment.

Dates and times of sessions 

Two courses will be delivered MS Teams over 8 sessions on the following dates. Please indicate which session you would like to attend.

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays - 27th and 29th February, 5th and 7th March, 12th and 14th March and 19th and 21st March 2024, 7.00 pm to 9.00 p
  • Wednesdays and Saturdays – 28th February and 2nd March, 6th and 9th March, 13th and 16th March and 20th and 23rd March 2024, Wednesday will be 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm and Saturdays will be 10.00 am – 12.00 pm

Who can attend

  • Parents who are experiencing conflicts and challenges due to the neurodiversity of their child
  • Parents who want to improve communication and build stronger partnership in parenting and coparenting their neurodiverse child.
  • Parents seeking guidance, support, and practical strategies to navigate the unique challenges of raising a neurodiverse child.

Get in touch

To book a place please use our online referral form, or for further information please call 0204 522 8700 / 0204 522 8699 or email services@familylives.org.uk.

Health and wellbeing

Nutrition, sleep and exercise

Mental health