
Department for Education - helping children and adults get the most from learning 

Education Otherwise - promotes and supports the right of a parent or guardian to home educate their child should they wish to do so

Government guidance on home schooling and education 

Home Education Advisory Service - is dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home in preference to sending them to school

Home Education in the UK - provides resources and information on home education

Homework Elephant - resources to help children complete their homework

My World of Work for parents - can help you find the information you need to support your child as they begin to make choices about their future career.

National Careers Service - provides information, advice and guidance on all career related topics, including education, training, apprenticeships and employment over the telephone, webchat, email and text message.

Not Fine in School - is a parent/carer-led organisation set up in response to the growing number of children and young people who struggle with school attendance.They provide support and guidance. 

Parents in Touch - an education and information site for busy parents covering curriculums, exams and much more.

ParentKind - provides guidance for parents navigating their child's education.

ParentView - gives parents in England the opportunity to assess state schools against 12 criteria.

Red Balloon - provide an 'intensive care' full-time education for children aged between 9 and 18 who are unable to go to school because they have been severely bullied or who have suffered trauma.

School- Home Support - national charity that places higly trained practitioners in schools to support children and families, whatever they are going through.

The Good Schools Guide - feature more than 400 informative articles covering help, information advice and reviews of schools and tutors.

Tutor Pages - Tutor Pages contains thousands of articles on home tuition topics all written by private tutors. There's also an active forum to discuss private tuition, and a directory of private tutors who can be contacted for free. 

UCAS- helps to inspire and empower people to make aspirational choices about higher education and learning